East Asian Bean Dishes


  • (AT) Andrea Nguyen: Asian Tofu
  • (TBT) Shurtleff & Aoyagi: The Book of Tofu
  • (MTN) Shockey & Shockey: Miso, Tempeh, Natto & Other Tasty Ferments


  • (CTC) Chan & Chan: China: The Cookbook
  • (EGR) Dunlop: Every Grain of Rice
  • (CVC) Lin: Florence Lin’s Chinese Vegetarian Cookbook
  • (AUH) Phillips: All Under Heaven: Recipes from the 35 Cuisines of China
  • Jianbing (mung bean flour) (🔗1)
  • Dou jiang (🔗1)https://www.instagram.com/p/CFc2633A12G/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=14&wp=652&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.beancentric.world&rp=%2Feastasia.html#%7B%22ci%22%3A1%2C%22os%22%3A386%2C%22ls%22%3A306.69999998807907%2C%22le%22%3A377.30000001192093%7D
  • 韭菜銀芽 Jiu cai yin ya (beansprouts with Chinese chives) (EGR, 🔗1)

Buddhist Vegetarian

  • (VCCS) Lee Hwa Lin: Vegetarian Cooking Chinese Style
  • 素蚂蚁上树 Vegetables over vermicelli (CTC)
  • 南乳清斋 Vegetables with red bean curd (CTC)
  • 雪菜毛豆炒豆乾 / 雪菜毛豆 Soybeans with tofu and preserved mustard greens (fresh soybeans) (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 白璧青云 Asparagus and tofu (CTC)
  • Crispy taro roll (CTC)
  • 香辣四季豆 Beans in fragrant sauce (CTC)
  • 黄焖豆腐 Tofu in brown sauce (VCCS)
  • 溜腐皮 Braised tofu sheets (VCCS, CTC)
  • 炒豆腐脑 Mashed tofu stew (VCCS)
  • 梅菜素扣肉 Preserved mustard hearts with tofu (CTC)
  • Vegetarian fish (tofu pockets, tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian chicken (tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian ham (tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian stock (soy sprouts) (VCCS)
  • Flower platter (includes vegetarian ham, carved vegetables) (VCCS)
  • Butterfly platter (includes vegetarian ham, carved vegetables) (VCCS)
  • Phoenix platter (VCCS)
  • Creamed cabbage rolls (dried pressed tofu strips) (VCCS)
  • As-you-wish bean curd rolls (soft tofu) (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian honey ham (VCCS)
  • Lotus blossom bean curd (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian snack platter (various adzuki, soy) (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian goose (tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Flowers in bloom (tofu pocket, tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Walnut-sesame crisps (tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Fried vegetarian eel (tofu pockets) (VCCS)
  • Vegetables with crispy rice (pressed tofu) (VCCS)
  • Five-flavor whole fish (tofu pockets, tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Cashew chicken in whole cantaloupe (vegetarian chicken) (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian chicken with celery (VCCS)
  • Enoki with bean curd sheet (VCCS)
  • Vegetable rolls (pea greens, mung bean noodles) (VCCS)
  • Vegetarian eel in sauce (mung sprouts, fresh soybeans) (VCCS)
  • Bean curd skin with bamboo shoots (fresh soybeans, tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Braised vegetarian partridge (tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Stuffed bean curd sheets (VCCS)
  • Carp in bean paste (vegetarian fish) (VCCS)
  • Loquat bean curd (VCCS)
  • Lion’s head with greens (firm tofu) (VCCS)
  • Eel stewed with black dates (tofu pockets, tofu skin) (VCCS)
  • Fish slice soup (mung bean sheet) (VCCS)
  • Stuffed bitter melon soup (tofu pocket) (VCCS)
  • Bean curd and spinach soup (VCCS)
  • Fish chafing dish (vegetarian fish) (VCCS)
  • Four-color shao mai (pressed tofu, fresh soybeans) (VCCS)
  • Eight-treasure taro paste (mung bean paste) (VCCS)
  • Crystal balls (adzuki paste) (VCCS)
  • Peas royale (peas, sweet potato, whipped cream dessert) (VCCS)
  • Red bean crêpes (VCCS)


  • (THC) Anusasananan: The Hakka Cookbook
  • 东江豆腐煲 Hakka-style tofu casserole (CTC, 🔗1🔗1)
  • Kejia banzong (Hakka tamales) (AUH, 🔗1)
  • 酿豆腐 Niang doufu (braised stuffed bean curd) (AUH, THC, 🔗1)
  • Jiucaihua chao doufugan (garlic chive flowers with pressed tofu) (AUH, 🔗1)
  • Stir-fried snow peas and tofu (THC, 🔗1)
  • Braised fried tofu with pork (THC, 🔗1)
  • Braised tofu and vegetable clay pot (THC, 🔗1)
  • Fah’s stuffed tofu triangles (THC, 🔗1)
  • Singapore stuffed vegetable and tofu soup (THC, 🔗1)
  • Soft tofu in sweet rice wine sauce (THC, 🔗1)
  • Stir-fried tofu and pork hash (THC, 🔗1)
  • Stuffed tofu soup (THC, 🔗1)


  • 八公山臭豆腐 Four seasons tofu (🔗1)
  • Hairy tofu (🔗1)
  • 八公山豆腐 Bagongshan tofu (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 香椿拌豆腐 Tofu with salted toona shoots (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 朱洪武豆腐 Zhu hongwu tofu (CTC, 🔗1)
  • Li doufu (AUH)
  • Ji xi chao fen si (sweet potato noodles with tofu) (LFR, 🔗1)


  • 凉粉 Bean jelly (🔗1 🔗2)
  • 凉糕 Bean paste cake (Liang gao) (🔗1)
  • 豆馅烧饼 Cake with bean paste filling (Wang: Xi’an Famous Foods, 🔗1)
  • 栗子糕 Chestnut cake with bean paste (🔗1 🔗2)
  • 腐竹 Dried soy milk cream in tight rolls (🔗1)
  • 豆汁 Douzhi (fermented mung bean juice) (🔗1)
  • 芸豆卷 Kidney bean roll (🔗1)
  • 麻豆腐 Ma doufu (🔗1)
  • 绿豆糕 Mung bean cake (🔗1)
  • 盆糕 Red and white kidney bean cake with jujube (🔗1)
  • 花糕 Rice cake with bean paste (🔗1)
  • 凉拌豆腐皮 Shredded tofu skin salad (🔗1)
  • 豆面糕 Soybean flour cake (🔗1 🔗2)
  • 豆腐脑 / 豆腐花 Tofu pudding (🔗1)
  • 冬菇烩豆腐 Tofu and mushrooms (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 豌豆黄 Split pea pudding (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 豆沙锅饼 Pancakes stuffed with red bean paste (CTC, 🔗1)
  • Liangban dougan baicixin (napa cabbage with pressed bean curd) (AUH)


  • 薄饼/润饼 Popiah (🔗1)
  • 三角豆腐饺 Tofu dumplings (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 宁化豆腐丸 Ninghua tofu balls (CTC, 🔗1)


  • 腐乳 Fermented tofu (🔗1)
  • Tofu skin (🔗1)
  • 椒絲腐乳通菜 Water spinach with fermented tofu (AUH, 🔗1)
  • 豆豉 Fermented black beans (🔗1)
  • 拆鱼豆腐羹 Fish and tofu soup (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 斋鹅 Vegetarian goose (AUH, 🔗1)
  • 豆腐花 Tofu flower pudding (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 綠豆沙 / 绿豆沙 Mung bean soup (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 红豆沙 Red bean soup (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 蒜蓉豆豉酱 Black bean sauce
  • Bitter melon with black bean paste (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 十锦肉 Shunde mixed salad (bean thread noodles/mung bean sprouts) (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 炒豆苗 Stir-fried pea shoots (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 锅塌豆腐 Deep-fried tofu (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 椒盐豆腐 Tofu with spiced salt (CTC, 🔗1)
  • Pipa tofu (EGR, 🔗1)
  • Chao bo cai (spinach with fermented tofu) (EGR)
  • 粉丝虾米蒸水蛋 Steamed eggs with dried shrimp and vermicelli (mung bean noodles) (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 炒桂花翅 Vermicelli with eggs (mung bean noodles) (CTC)


  • Zhuangjia niang doufu (stuffed bean curd balls) (AUH)


  • 恋爱豆腐果 Lovers tofu (🔗1)
  • Stir-fried Qingyan tofu
  • 豆腐圆子 Stuffed tofu balls (🔗1)
  • 貴州涼粉 Guizhou liangfen (spicy mung bean jelly shreds) (AUH, 🔗1)
  • Jin’gou gua yupai (gold hooks hanging on jade plaques) (soy sprouts, tofu) (AUH, 🔗1)
  • Xiang la dou fu gan (tofu with black bean) (EGR, 🔗1)


  • 总督豆腐 Viceroy tofu (CTC, 🔗1)


  • 大煮干丝 Dazhu gansi (🔗1)


  • 三鲜豆皮 Three-delicacy fried bean curd sheet (mung bean starch) (🔗1)
  • Songhua pidan doufu (bean curd with pine flower preserved eggs) (AUH, 🔗1)


  • (RCC) Fuchsia Dunlop: Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook
  • 长沙臭豆腐 Changsha-style stinky tofu (🔗1)
  • 湘潭包子豆腐 Xiangtan-style tofu (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 家常豆腐 Home-style tofu (RCC, 🔗1)
  • 焦溜豆腐丸 Deep-fried tofu balls in sauce (CTC, 🔗1)
  • Gua liang fen (RCC, 🔗1) (mung bean starch sheets)
  • Peng jia dou fu (RCC, AUH, 🔗1)
  • Qin cai chao xiang gan (smoked tofu with celery) (RCC, 🔗1)
  • Zheng xiang gan zi (smoked bean curd steamed with black beans and chiles) (RCC)
  • Zhang gu ying you dou fu (red-braised bean curd puffs) (RCC, 🔗1)
  • Zha guo dou fu (clay pot bean curd) (RCC, 🔗1)
  • Ma po to fu (RCC, 🔗1)
  • Jiu cai can dou (stir fried fava beans with chinese chives) (RCC)
  • Kou qie zi (eggplant with winter sacrifice beans and salted greens) (RCC)
  • Pao cai zhu can dou (fava beans with pickled mustard greens) (RCC, 🔗1)
  • Suan cai dou hua tang (“flower” bean curd with preserved mustard greens) (RCC, EGR)
  • Lü dou zhou (mung bean and rice porridge) (RCC)
  • Duchi chao lusin (black bean asparagus) (AUH)
  • Labazhou (winter congee with eight treasures) (adzuki) (AUH, 🔗1)
  • Jiu cai chao xiang gan (Chinese chives with smoked tofu) (EGR, 🔗1)


  • Gaochun stinky tofu
  • 文思豆腐羹 Wensi tofu soup (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 蟹粉豆腐 Tofu with crab meat and crab roe (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 烫干丝 Yangzhou tofu salad (CTC, 🔗1)
  • Shao suhuangque (braised vegetarian finches) (AUH, 🔗1)
  • Su zhou dou hua (breakfast tofu) (EGR, 🔗1)


  • Huo doufu (lively bean curd) (AUH)


  • 辣子豆腐 Tofu in fragrant sauce (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 白起豆腐 Baiqi tofu (CTC, 🔗1)


  • 锅塌豆腐 Braised tofu (CTC, AUH, 🔗1 🔗2)
  • 炸豆腐丸子 Deep-fried tofu balls (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 炒豆腐泥 Tofu mash (CTC, 🔗1)

Shanghai & Jiangnan

  • (LFR) Dunlop: Land of Fish and Rice: Recipes from the Culinary Heart of China
  • (MS) Liu: My Shanghai
  • Pickled soybeans (CTC, LFR)
  • 马兰香干 Kalimeris/Indian aster and tofu salad (CTC, MS, 🔗1)
  • 素蟹黃豆腐 Vegetarian “crab meat” with tofu (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 鸡汁百页包 Tofu roll in chicken broth (CTC, 🔗1)
  • Braised shitake and tofu (MS)
  • Chilled thousand year-egg with tofu (MS, 🔗1)
  • Bao (with tofu filling) (MS, LFR)
  • Mung bean soup with lily bulb (MS, 🔗1)
  • 豆南瓜饼 Pumpkin rice cakes with red bean filling (MS, 🔗1)
  • 青团 Qing tuan with red bean paste filling (MS, 🔗1)
  • Scallion-braised fava beans (MS, LFR)
  • Shepherd’s purse and tofu soup (MS, 🔗1)
  • Snow Vegetable, Edamame, and Tofu Skin (MS)
  • Soy Milk (sweet and savory) (MS, LFR)
  • Stir-fried pea shoots (MS)
  • Vegetarian goose / “duck” tofu Rolls (MS, AUH, LFR)
  • Winter melon and edamame (MS, 🔗1)
  • Congkao fayadou (sprouted fava beans) (AUH, 🔗1)
  • Dou ban su (mashed fava with snow vegetable) (LFR) (EGR, 🔗1)
  • Tang gan si (scalded tofu slivers) (LFR)
  • Ji huo zhu gan si (boiled tofu slivers in chicken stock) (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Xiang jian dou fu (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Xian rou bai ye tang cai (tofu ribbons) (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Jia chang xiao chao huang (tofu with pickles) (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Hang zhou dou hua (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Xue cai mao dou (green soybeans) (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Chang gua dou ban geng (gourd and fava soup) (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Wen si dou fu geng (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Ba bao fan (eight treasure rice with red bean paste) (LFR, 🔗1)
  • Dou ban xue cai tang (fava bean and snow vegetable soup) (EGR, 🔗1)


  • (TFS) Dunlop: The Food of Sichuan
  • Huoshui douhua (homemade flower tofu) (TFS, 🔗1)
  • 虎皮虾包 Shrimp egg rolls in tofu sheets (CTC, 🔗1)
  • 宫保豆腐 Gongbao tofu (CTC)
  • 麻婆豆腐 Mapo tofu (CTC, AUH, EGR, TFS)
  • Sichuan style stinky tofu
  • Sichuan liangmian (mung sprouts, tofu) (AUH)
  • Doufu yuanzi tang (bean curd quenelle soup) (AUH)
  • Xing zhang dou fu (bear’s paw tofu) (EGR) (TFS)
  • Suan tai chao xiang gan (tofu with garlic stems)(EGR)
  • Suanla douhua (sour and hot silken tofu) (EGR) (TFS)
  • Suanla douhua tang (hot and sour tofu soup) (TFS)
  • Ya cai chao can dou (fava with preserved mustard greens) (EGR)
  • Xiang cun nan gua (steamed squash with black bean sauce) (EGR)
  • Pa wan dou tang (yellow split pea soup) (EGR, TFS)
  • Shi liang mian (cold noodles with bean sprouts) (EGR)
  • Chun juan (fresh spring rolls with bean sprouts) (EGR)
  • Yanshui qingdou (green soybeans in stock) (TFS)
  • Chuanbei liangfen (North Sichuan cool starch jelly) (TFS)
  • Liangban doufugan (firm tofu with celery and peanuts) (TFS)
  • Yousu huaren (fragrant deep-fried peanuts) (TFS)
  • Guaiwei huaren (strange flavor peanuts) (TFS)
  • 家常豆腐 Jiachang doufu (home-style tofu) (TFS)
  • Jiang shao dou fu (tofu with ground meat) (TFS)
  • Emei doufu nao (Mount emei spicy silken tofu) (TFS)
  • Xiba doufu (TFS)
  • Huiguo hudou (mashed fava beans with scallion) (TFS)
  • Jingou qingdou (green soy beans with shrimp) (TFS)
  • Mayi shangshu (bean-thread noodles, pork, “ants climbing a tree”) (TFS)
  • Doufu tang (tofu soup) (TFS)
  • Babao helmi zhou (black rice porridge, mung, adzuki) (TFS)
  • Douhua mian (spicy noodles, silken tofu) (TFS)
  • Suanla fen (sour and hot sweet potato noodles, mung sprouts)
  • Douya baozi (steamed buns with beansprout stuffing)(TFS)
  • San dapao (glutinous rice balls, toasted soy flour, sugar syrup) (TFS)
  • Zhenzhu yuanzi (pearly rice balls, adzuki paste) (TFS)
  • Ludou sha (iced mung bean soup) (TFS)


  • 水晶包 Crystal balls (mung/adzuki filling)



  • Yan du xian (soup with bamboo, pork, tofu skin) (CTC)
  • Qing jiao dou fu gan (tofu with bell peppers) (EGR)
  • Xue cai mao dou (EGR) (soybeans with snow vegetable)
  • Nan ru xian cai (amaranth with fermented tofu) (EGR)
  • Qing dou si gua (silk gourd with green soybeans) (EGR)


  • (JTC) Hachisu: Japan: The Cookbook
  • (JFF) Hachisu: Japanese Farm Food
  • (KCJ) Andoh: Kansha: Celebrating Japan’s Vegan and Vegetarian Traditions
  • (TBM) Shurtleff & Aoyagi: The Book of Miso
  • (JCSA) Tsuji: Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art
  • (TJK) Shimbo: The Japanese Kitchen
  • Just Hungry
  • Homemade tofu (JTC, AT, JFF, KJC, TJK)
  • Tofu dengaku (JCSA)
  • Age-dofu hakusai-ni (cabbage and deep fried tofu) (JCSA)
  • Kori-dufu age-ni (fried and simmered freeze-dried tofu) (JCSA)
  • Fukuro (JCSA, KJC)
  • Oden (fish cake stew including fried tofu) (JCSA)
  • Agedashi tofu (JCSA) (JTC x3)
  • Kani-dofu iridashi (crab and tofu balls in broth) (JCSA)
  • Yudofu (JCSA)
  • Ganmodoki (tofu and vegetable croquettes) (JFF)
  • Kitsune udon (fried tofu) (JCSA)
  • Kitsune soba (fried thin tofu) (TJK)
  • Nori-maki (JCSA)
  • Yakidofu (JCSA)
  • Kaminari-jiru (soup with tofu) (JCSA)
  • White dressing (tofu) (JCSA)
  • Carrot with smashed tofu and sesame (JTC)
  • Green beans with smashed tofu and sesame (JTC)
  • Carrot with smashed tofu and walnuts (JTC)
  • Spinach and enoki with smashed tofu (JTC)
  • Fiddlehead ferns with smashed tofu and walnuts (JTC)
  • Kabocha with smashed tofu (JTC)
  • Tofu flavored six ways (JTC)
  • Kenchin tofu-stuffed napa cabbage (JTC)
  • Tofu-stuffed cabbage rolls (JTC)
  • Deep-fried tofu pouch soup (JTC)
  • Sweet potato country soup (with tofu and tofu pouches) (JTC)
  • Grilled tofu pouches with ginger and scallions (JFF)
  • Inarizushi (stuffed tofu pouches) (JFF, JTC, TJK)
  • Kenchinjiru (with tofu) (JTC)
  • Cold prevention soup (with tofu) (JTC)
  • Stir-fried burdock with tofu (JTC)
  • Stuffed kabocha (JTC)
  • Fried kabocha balls (with tofu) (JTC)
  • Koyadon (with freeze-dried tofu) (JTC)
  • Simmered tofu with garnishes (JFF)
  • Nanohana shira-ae (mustard blossoms with smashed tofu) (JFF)
  • Shira-ae (tofu dressing, vegetables, fruit) (TJK)
  • Agedashi tofu (JTC, TJK)
  • Agedashi tofu with grated daikon (JTC)
  • Dashi-simmered deep-fried ganmodoki (with tofu) (JTC)
  • Kenchin udon (KCJ)
  • Sansai soba (KCJ)
  • Shungiku no shira ae (chrysanthemum greens in tofu sauce) (KCJ)
  • Kabura mushi no gin an kaké (steamed turnip and tofu) (KCJ)
  • Koya-dofu no taki awasé (KJC)
  • Hijiki no nimono (KJC)
  • Shojin chawan mushi (soy milk custard) (KJC)
  • Shimi-dofu (frozen and dried) (KJC)
  • Kudaki-dofu (KJC)
  • Tofu-tofu tsukuné (KJC)
  • Atsu age, yaki-dofu (KJC)
  • Chikuzen ni (KJC)
  • Age-dashi nanban (KJC)
  • Sanshoku shinoda maki (KJC)
  • Unagi modoki (KJC)
  • Hiya-yakko (fresh tofu) (TJK)
  • Nabeyaki-dofu (tofu omelette) (TJK)
  • Horenso to atsuage no nibitashi (spinach, fried tofu) (TJK)
  • Nama yuba (KJC)
  • Temple scattered-style sushi (KCJ)
  • Okara dressing for aemono (JCSA)
  • Okara potato salad (JTC)
  • Unohana (JTC, JFF, KJC)
Other Soy (whole, milk)
  • Daizu-gayu (gruel with toasted soybeans) (JCSA)
  • Nimame (boiled soybeans) (JCSA)
  • Soybean soup (JTC)
  • Soybean croquettes (JTC)
  • Soy milk and cocoa gelée (JTC)
  • Soy milk gratin (JTC)
  • Nasu no hiya-jiru (eggplant, soy milk) (KCJ)
  • Kuro mamé (KJC)
  • Mountain yam with edamame and nori (JTC)
  • Edamame (JFF)
  • Black rice with green soybeans (KCJ)
  • Ni mamé (KJF)
  • Abe-kawa mochi (with kinako) (JCSA)
  • Koban-yaki (dessert, with kinako) (JTC)
  • Kuzu mochi (JFF)
  • Kinako dango
  • Homemade miso (JTC, MTN, TBM)
  • Sendai miso (TBM)
  • Shinshu miso (light yellow) (TBM)
  • Mugi miso (barley) (TBM)
  • Amakachi mugi miso (mellow barley) (TBM)
  • Edo miso (sweet red) (TBM)
  • Shiro miso (sweet white) (TBM)
  • Hishio / Namé-mono / o-namé (TBM)
  • Kinzanji miso (with wheat and rice koji) (TBM)
  • Jaga-imo miso-ni (potatoes simmered in miso) (JCSA)
  • Furofuki daikon (radish with white miso sauce) (JCSA)
  • Miso-shiru (miso soup) (JCSA, TJK)
  • Kinokozukushi miso-shiru (miso soup, mushrooms) (TJK)
  • Ninjin miso-shiru (carrot, miso soup) (TJK)
  • Miso soup with potato slivers and wakame (JFF)
  • Shiromiso (miso dressing) (JCSA)
  • Akamiso (miso dressing) (JCSA)
  • Tama-miso (miso and egg sauce) (TJK)
  • Goma-ae (sesame miso dressing) (JFF)
  • Shira-ae (tofu miso dressing) (JFF, TBM)
  • Kurumi-ae (walnut miso dressing) (JFF, TJK)
  • Simmered daikon with miso (JTC)
  • Fragrant miso-simmered daikon (JTC)
  • Miso soup with grated carrot (JTC)
  • Tanuki-jiru (konnyaku, miso) (TJK)
  • Cabbage miso soup (JTC)
  • Miso soup with poached egg (JTC)
  • Grilled eggplant miso soup (JTC)
  • Fried eggplant halves with sweet miso (JFF)
  • Nasu no abura miso (eggplant, ginger, miso) (JFF, TJK)
  • Nasu no dengaku (eggplant, miso) (TJK)
  • Country miso soup (JTC)
  • Aka dashi (KCJ, TBM)
  • Kohaku-jiru (red and white miso soup) (KCJ)
  • Negi-jiru (KCJ)
  • Miso-stuffed steamed turnips (JTC)
  • Karashi-miso (miso mustard vinaigrette) (JFF)
  • Miso-flavored onion (JTC)
  • Fried miso rice balls (JTC)
  • Sweet miso-grilled eggplant (JTC)
  • Miso-pickled egg yolks (JTC)
  • Miso-pickled shiso buds and myoga (JTC)
  • Miso-pickled turnips (JTC)
  • Miso-pickled daikon (JTC)
  • Miso-pickled takuan (JTC)
  • Sweet miso-glazed tofu bars (JTC)
  • Persimmon and daikon with chestnut miso (JTC)
  • Young scallions and miso (JFF)
  • Treviso with pecan miso and sansho leaves (JFF)
  • Miso yaki onigiri (miso-grilled rice balls) (JFF)
  • Kyuri momi (cucumber) (JFF)
  • Karifurawa no goma-ae (cauliflower) (JFF)
  • Nasu no goma-ae (eggplant) (JFF)
  • Horenso no kurumi-ae (spinach and walnuts) (JFF)
  • Miso-aji natsu yasai sarada (summer salad) (JFF)
  • Kabocha no abura miso (JFF)
  • Snakku endo no abura miso (snap peas, miso) (JFF)
  • Amamiso-dare (sweet miso sauce) (JFF)
  • Miso-daré zaru soba (KCJ)
  • Negi nuta (KCJ)
  • Nama fu dengaku (KJC)
  • Miso oden (KJC)
  • Miso ramen (TJK, TBM)
  • Nerimiso (sweet simmered miso) (TBM)
  • Peanut miso (TBM)
  • Kanjo tekka miso (crumbly)
  • Yubeshi miso (miso stuffed citrus)
  • Fuki-no-to miso (butterbur buds and miso) (TBM)
  • Awasé miso (uncooked mixed miso dressing) (TBM)
  • Sumiso (vinegar miso dressing) (TBM)
  • Sumiso udon (TBM)
  • Karashi sumiiso (mustard vinegar miso dressing) (TBM)
  • Goma miso (sesame miso dressing)
  • Goma sumiso (sesame-vinegar miso dressing)
  • Kimi sumiso (egg yolk vinegar miso dressing)
  • Sunomono (cucumber salad with vinegar miso dressing)
  • Hiyashi-jiru (broiled miso in chilled soup)
  • Miso ozoni (miso soup with rice cakes)
  • Gojiru (miso soup with soybean puree)
  • Kabocha no miso-ni (kabocha simmered in miso)
  • Nasu no shigiyaki (grilled eggplant with miso) (TBM)
  • Furofuki daikon yuzu-miso-zoe (daikon, yuzu, miso) (TJK)
  • Natto (MTN)
  • Natto with Egg and Garlic Chives (JTC)
  • Sautéed onions with natto (JTC)
  • Natto-topped vegetable salad (JTC)
  • Natto soup (JTC)
  • Natto miso-shiru (TJK)
  • Grilled natto pouchs (JTC)
  • Natto fried rice (JFF)
  • Nebaneba somen (KCJ)
  • Natto harumaki (KJC)
  • Natto oyaki (KJC)
Mung bean sprouts
  • Stamina salad (JTC)
  • Cucumber and bean sprouts in sesame-vinegar (JTC)
  • Stir-fried vegetables with burdock (with mung bean sprouts) (JTC)
  • Silky bean sprouts (JTC)
Mung bean noodles
  • Ryokuto harusame sarada (mung bean noodle salad)
  • Anko (adzuki paste) (TJK)
  • Sekihan (rice with adzuki) (JCSA, JFF, TJK, JTK)
  • Koshi-an (pureed sweet adzuki paste) (JCSA)
  • Tsubushi-an (chunky sweet adzuki paste) (JCSA, KJC)
  • Mizu-yokan (red bean jelly) (JCSA, KJC, TJK)
  • Zenzai (red bean soup with mochi) (JCSA)
  • Dora-yaki (pancakes with red bean filling) (JCSA)
  • みつ豆 Mitsumame (JCSA)
  • Ohagi (dessert, with sweet red bean paste) (JTC)
  • Manju (dessert, with red bean paste) (JTC)
  • Yokan (JTC)
  • Sakamanju (steamed buns)(JFF)
  • Azuki no mushigashi (steamed cake) (TJK)
  • Goma-anko manju (dumplings) (TJK)
  • Ujikintoki (🔗1)
  • Ohagi (JCSA) (kinako, adzuki)
  • Stir-Fried Fava Beans (fresh) (JTC)
  • Eggplant and peanut soup (JTC)
  • Silky vegetable soup (with soybeans and tofu) (JTC)
  • Peanut manju (JTC)
  • Peanut “tofu” (JTC)
  • Burokkori no shira-ae (broccoli, tofu, miso)
  • Kabocha no surinagashi (soy milk, miso) (KCJ)
  • Korokké (adzuki, soy milk) (KCJ)
  • Tonyu, okara (KJC)
  • Dora yaki (KJC)
  • Tekka miso (miso, soybeans) (KJC, TJK)
  • Oage no miso-shiru (miso soup, tofu) (TJK)
  • Hakusai to abura-age no nimono (fried tofu, mung bean noodles, cabbage) (TJK)
  • Miso nikomi udon (udon, miso, fried thin tofu) (TJK, TBM)
  • Misoyaki udon (tofu, miso) (TBM)
  • Kenchin jiru (tofu, miso) (TBM)
  • Nanzenji no tsutssumi-dofu (sweet miso-filled tofu) (TBM)
  • Doténabi (miso, fried tofu) (TBM)


  • Yudofu (JTC)
  • Sake no saikyo misosuzuke (miso salmon) (TJK)
  • Tofu dengaku (TBM)
  • White nerimiso


  • Goya no miso champuru (miso, bitter melon, kabocha, tofu) (KJC)



  • Kanro hishio



  • Hoba miso (miso and vegetables on magnolia leaves) (TBM)


North Korea

South Korea

  • (KT) Hong & Rodbard: Koreatown
  • (KVC) Kim: Korean Vegetarian Cooking
  • (KHC) Kim: Korean Home Cooking
  • (MRKC) Maangchi: Maangchi’s Real Korean Cooking
  • Dubu Jorim (tofu) (KT) (KVC) (KHC)
  • Sundubu jigae (KT, KVC, KHC, MRKC)
  • Yubu Jumeoni (tofu pouches) (KVC)
  • Yubu bap (KVC)
  • Dubu kimchi (KVC)
  • Dubu gangjeong (KVC)
  • Beoseot Jeongol (mushroom hotpot with tofu pouches)(KVC)
  • Kimchi jigae (KHC)
  • Dububuchim-yangnyeomjang (MRKC)
Mung bean sprouts
  • Sukjunamul-muchim (mung bean sprouts)
Soybean sprouts
  • Kongnamul Japchae (soybean sprouts)
  • Kongnamul Guk (soybean sprout soup) (MRKC)
  • Kongnamul muchim (KT, KVC, MRKC)
  • Kongnamulbap (MRKC)
Gomul / Kong-garu (soy powder)
  • Injeolmi
  • Homemade doenjang (MRKC)
  • Doenjang jigae (KT, KVC)
  • Gang-doenjang (MRKC)
  • Gamja-doenjangguk (potato doenjang soup) (MRKC)
  • Geundae-doenjangguk (doenjang, chard) (MRKC)
  • Sigeumchi-jogae-doenjangguk (spinach, clams, doenjang) (MRKC)
  • Myeochi doenjang-jjigae (MRKC)
  • Putgochu-denjang-muchim (MRKC)
  • Sagwa-ssamjang-ssam (MRKC)
  • Keil-doenjang-bokkeum (kale) (MRKC)
Other soy (milk, paste, biji)
  • Kongjaban (KVC, KHC)
  • Geomeunkong-jorim (braised black beans) (MRKC)
  • Kongguksu (KT, KVC)
  • Kongbiji Jigae (KT)
  • Kimchi biji jigae (KVC)
  • Cheonggukjang (fermented soy) (MRKC)
  • Gochujang (MRKC)
  • Cheonggukjang-jjigae (MRKC)
  • Jajangmyeon (KT, KVC, KHC, MRKC)
  • Ssamjang (KVC)
  • Buchu jangtteok (KVC)
  • Spicy soybean leaves (The Korean Kimchi Cookbook)
  • Danpatjuk (KVC)
  • Dongji-patjuk (MRKC)
  • Gyeongdang (red bean paste filling)
  • Danpat ice cream (KVC)
  • Hobak pat sirutteok (red bean layered rice cake) (KVC)
  • Heukimja-gyeongdan (rice cake balls)
  • 찐빵 Jjingppang (red bean bun)
  • Bibimbap (mung bean sprouts, tofu) (KT, KVC, KHC, MRKC)
  • Bupyeong coated with gomul (roasted mung/adzuki/soy bean powder)
  • Patbingsu with gomul or red beans
  • Dubu ssamjang (KVC)
  • Nokdu muk (mung bean starch jelly (KHC)
  • Tangpyeongchae (mung bean starch, beef, vegetables) (MRKC)
  • Yangjangpi-japchae (mung bean starch sheets, pork, seafood, vegetables)
  • Samsaek kyung-dan (rice dumplings with adzuki and soybean powder toppings) (KHC)
  • Doenjang jigae (tofu, doenjang) (KHC)

Hong Kong

  • 鲩鱼豆腐汤 Grass carp and tofu soup (CTC)
  • Soybean crisps (CTC)
  • 冬瓜炆酿豆卜 Stuffed tofu puffs with winter melon (CTC)
  • 椰丝红豆麻薯 Coconut and red bean mochi (CTC)
  • Tong sui
  • 粉丝蟹煲 Crab and mung bean vermicelli casserole (CTC)
  • 花生酥 Peanut crisp cookies (CTC)


  • Mung bean almond cookies (1)


  • (TFT) Erway: The Food of Taiwan
  • 梅菜焖豆腐 Tofu with preserved mustard greens (CTC)
  • Vegetable roll (CTC) (tofu skin)
  • Stinky tofu
  • Hua sheng fen (crushed peanut powder) (TFT)
  • Run bing (spring roll, bean sprouts) (TFT)
  • Fu ru kong xin cai (water spinach, fermented tofu) (TFT)
  • Dou gan chao mao dou ren (dry tofu with edamame) (TFT)
  • Gan mei dou fu (tofu, date sauce) (TFT)
  • Zha cai niu rou si (beef, mustard greens, bean sprouts) (TFT)
  • Tian dou hua (tofu custard) (TFT)


  • Kleeman & Jampa: Taste Tibet
  • Vegetable Thukpa (noodle soup with tofu) (TT)
  • Tofu with pack choi (Buddhist temple food) (TT, 🔗1)
  • White Laphing (mung bean starch) (TT, 🔗1)
Author: Jennie

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