In my first attempt to explore the world through bean dishes, some countries were easier to research than others. I learned the hard way that not every recipe that is said to be from a particular place is actually from that place. But I’ve found some delicious combinations this way, however they came to exist in the world.
Here’s what I wrote when I first tried “Buthe-Buthe.” An instant classic in my home! Butha-Buthe: I made it with clementines since I couldn’t find tangerines in good time. That worked too. It starts off with broth and yellow split peas, and each addition is a wonderful surprise.
When I looked into it further, a number of people from Lesotho were beyond doubtful about its origin. I’m including it here as a very tasty soup, even if it’s not from anywhere in particular.
Then there’s this soup, which is said to be from Liberia, but I don’t find any confirmation from a local source. I suspect that it’s been vegetarianized somewhere along the line, and the use of allspice is one of the more characteristic local things that’s stuck. But I don’t have enough info yet. Anyway it tastes good and it’s very healthy, so I don’t regret making it. Actually the version I made, which is very similar, was in Sundays at the Moosewood Restaurant. The same questions hold for both of them.