Bindaettok / 빈대떡

One of my favorite foods. They are incredibly nourishing too. It takes a little planning to make these and as much as you love them, you’ll have leftovers. A great recommendation is to freeze them and then reheat in the toaster oven. They will be almost like new and your future self will thank you. Maangchi‘s recipe works so well that I haven’t yet explored others.

The “Soccer Dad” episode of Kim’s Convenience has a great bindaettok subplot.

Here’s what I wrote when I first made them.

Bindaettok – mung bean pancakes (, steamed perilla leaves (, and rice. The one pancake is a delicious and full meal in itself, dipped in a simple combination of soy sauce and vinegar. I used mushrooms instead of ground meat since that was what I had, and it was still very filling. I’m growing perilla leaves this summer and can’t possibly keep up with them, even though they are delicious. Next time I will listen to Maangchi’s advice and not use the biggest leaves, since they are overly chewy. Still, it was great to use some greens straight out of the garden.

Author: Jennie

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