Food Waste Notes

I cleared out the fridge this morning and it was gross and depressing and disappointing. There was a lot of food that had been good but went bad before it was eaten. I won’t share pictures because I don’t want to remember them and you shouldn’t have to see them. Instead I’m going to make a set of rules and processes for myself so that it never (or only very very rarely) gets this bad again. I’ll do a different post about ways of dealing with the food waste, not all of which is fully avoidable even if I follow all of these new rules. I’ll just say that none of it went in the trash. I did manage to compost all of it in two different ways. Anyway, here is what I’ve worked out so far.

  1. Clear out the fridge at least once a week. Do it on Monday. If not Monday, then Tuesday or Wednesday. Don’t let more than two weeks go by without dealing with it.
  2. When I have more than one serving (or even just one serving) of leftovers and the food is good enough to share, offer it to a friend. (I already do this but obviously I could do it more.)
  3. Keep an inventory list updated for freezer, fridge, and other perishable items.
  4. Make a meal plan each week, referencing the inventory list.
  5. Freeze extra portions and label them (with dates). Add them to a freezer inventory list.
  6. Buy a thermos and pack leftovers to bring as lunch on days out.
  7. Make half or quarter portions of recipes. (I usually do this but recipe testing often makes it difficult.)

If I do even two of these things, the situation will improve. I’ll also save time and money, especially with the last four items.

Author: Jennie

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