Kwanti ko Ras

The rice was left over, but everything else is from Jyoti Pathak’s Taste of Nepal. The Kwanti soup is on page 99, and my sprouting adventures are documented in a previous post. The beans have a clearly different flavor from ordinary cooked beans – much fresher in their taste, I would say. The cornbread (p. 116) wasn’t quite to my taste, but it wasn’t necessary along with the rice. The mango milkshake (p. 366) was delicious. Mango, sugar, milk, cardamom. I’ve never met a mango lassi or a mango milkshake I didn’t like. This whole cookbook looks amazing. The food is related to but distinct from the Indian food I know. And there are 25 recipes in the “Dried Beans, Legumes, and Peas” chapter.

Author: Jennie

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