Mashed Fried Plantain and Black-Eyed Peas

Five recipes from Elizabeth A. Jackson’s South of the Sahara. Clockwise from top left: Eggplant-Peanut Butter Spread, p. 55; Fried Yam Chips, p. 54; Mushrooms on Fried Yam Chips, p. 54; Mashed Fried Plantain and Black-eyed Peas, p. 108, Spicy Pumpkin and Eggplant Stew, p. 162.

The peas were great. I cheated, because I had two overripe bananas and zero ripe plantains. I guess it will be more subtle with the plantains, but I liked this version too. I didn’t love the stew as much, but it was fine. The yam chips were good (just sliced and deep fried), and the mushroom and eggplant spreads dishes were very distinct and equally good. Everything went well together. Next time I might try a different stew, and if I do the yams I’ll try to get them crisper.

Author: Jennie

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