
This dish is truly as quick to make as a sandwich, but it tastes absolutely delicious. This chickpea flour scramble is from the cookbook that was my first major foray into the world of beans: 660 Curries, by Raghavan Iyer. There are about 140 recipes in the legume chapter, and I’ve tried almost all of them. I love this cookbook. The recipe is on page 351, “Rajasthani Petla.” My plan is to come up with other recipes for bean flour scrambles with different flavor profiles, drawn from other cuisines. Feel free to share any requests for testing, whether it’s just a country or a more detailed list of ingredients. They only take a couple minutes to make so the stakes are low, and it’s always good to have a variety of options for quick meals that can be drawn from pantry items. This dish would make a terrific vegan brunch option. I haven’t had it for a little while and I’d forgotten just how delicious it is.

Author: Jennie

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