Sweet-and-Sour Brown Beans

Sweet-and-sour brown beans from Magnus Nilsson’s The Nordic Cook Book, p. 141, boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, and leftover steamed broccoli. Golden Syrup Loaf, p. 496, but I cheated and used all white flour rather than rye (I didn’t have any). I put smoked gouda on it, which I guess is more Dutch than Swedish, but it was affordable, it was there, and I knew I’d like it. Maybe there’s a Scandinavian cheese tasting spree in my future.

The texture of the beans was not my favorite—a very fine threshold between grainy and crumbly—but I liked the preparation and I did go back for seconds. I had to mail order them, and I might opt for something like a small red bean next time I try this dish.

Author: Jennie

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