Ujikintoki / 宇治金時

I bought the red bean paste this time, because I knew it would be better than what I would make on a second try and I wanted to have a more open mind to it. Now I think I like it, and I have a better model for my next try. I tried to buy a shaved ice machine, but my sturdy Preethi blender did a passable job with the ice. If I make a dozen more shaved ice desserts and it becomes a habit I might get a real shaved ice machine, but for now I’m glad I haven’t spent money on it. The syrup was very quick to make with a little matcha powder. The mochi were simple enough too, and the condensed milk was out of a can. It was very tasty, and all the elements went together beautifully. This will be the first of many shaved ice desserts I will try out that involve beans, from a number of countries (mostly Asian).



Shiratama Dango

Author: Jennie

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